Value Yourself Inc

Turning Pain Into Purpose

life coach

How To Get Over 100% of Your Challenging Days

Today was tough, I don’t cry alot but today I just felt so overwhelmed that I had to let it all out. I mean after all, it’s not good to suppress emotions, instead you should address your emotions. For way to long I lived in a space where I felt like it was somewhat of a crime to be vulnerable. However, today I allowed myself to do just that and just a friendly reminder, you should to.

It’s somewhat hard for me to open up because everyone around me expects me to always have it together. Because I show my strength outwardly and don’t really talk much about my problems, people assume I don’t have any. That’s the furthest thing from the truth, I’m human, we all have things that we go through.

See, the problem with the world today is that everyone is too busy trying to hide their bad days. Everyone wants to seem like they have it all together. Everyone wants to hold some sort of power over how other people views their lives. The truth is, you can’t change the way that others view you. You can only show up and give 100% when it comes to getting through those tough days. Challenges in life exist, I had two choices today when I woke up this morning. I could either one, wallow in my self pity or I could 2, get my ass up and do something about it. If you don’t try at all, there’s 100% chance that you won’t make it.

If you’re currently experiencing a rough day, and you came across this article. I would like to share with you some of my techniques for turning a murky day into a day absent of vexation and filled with joy and love. Remember, we are all going to die one day. It sounds rather harsh but it’s the truth. Don’t take this stuff so serious. We’re here for a good time, not a long time.

5 Techniques To Change A Challenging Day Into A Fruitful One.

  1. Take a pen, grab some paper and practice Gratitude. Whenever I start feeling as if i’m not achieving something, I take the time to remember that I once dreamed of the life that I have now. In this lifetime, it can sometimes feel as if we are always chasing something. It would be much more beneficial if we would just stop and smell the roses every once in a while.
  2. Use your challenging situation and turn it into something productive. Remember, challenges are just obstacles that present opportunity. When we are challenged, we have to find new ways to think. We have to be ingenious, we have to find ways to be better. J.K. Rowling was poor when she created Harry Potter. Her life challenges drove her into creativity. You should allow yours to do the same.
  3. Pick apart your process. Ask yourself questions such as, what led you to having such a difficult day? Often the challenges that we find ourselves in are indicative of how we operate on the daily basis. Have you created a tumultuous process for yourself that induces stress? We can mitigate having an inferior day by simply analyzing our daily processes and asking ourselves simple questions.
  4. Spend more time managing your emotions. Sit with them, actually allow yourself to feel your feels, and then analyze why you may be feeling that way. We ask way too many questions about others when we really need to be questioning ourselves and our own agenda. Sometimes just simply acknowledging that we are not okay, is the prelude to getting on to a better day.
  5. Last but not least, GIVE YOURSELF GRACE. Sometimes, we are just meant to have days where we need to sit and really dive into who we are as people. We can’t control everything that happens to us but we can control our response to it. Some days are meant for you to simply just let it be and go with the flow. Perhaps you are only having a challenging day because you just didn’t get enough sleep last night. Sometimes it’s just not as bad as we make it seem. =)

Every time something unfavorable happens to us, it does not necessarily mean that it’s our fault. Some things really just happen by chance. However, I still believe that when it happens, it’s meant to test your strength and to help you develop patience for the unknown. Imagine living a life where you’re so resilient, you can find benefits within any situation that you find yourself in. This is truly living a life of self mastery and power. Once you master yourself and how you respond to even the most egregious events within your life. You will literally have the willpower to work through any and everything that you may face.

Take it day by day, don’t be so hard on yourself. If you enjoyed this article, feel free to checkout my last article, Why We Sleep, where I discuss the unsung ways of why it’s important for us to sleep.

Until Next Time!
