Value Yourself Inc

Do You Regret Your 20s?

happiness coach

How to Make the BEST Years Out of Your 20’s

First of all, everything that’s mentioned here can be considered subjective. Everyone will have their own experiences in their 20’s. Just rememeber, don’t take life too serious. We’re here for a good time, not a long time! =)

My life is actually pretty unique as in , i’ve been working for myself full-time since about 20 years old. I started my first business at 18, and while im glad that I did get started early. I must say that I have missed out on a lot fun throughout my twenties which brings me to this conclusion. Your twenties are certainly not around for you to just piss off, but it is the time where you have to find balance. Balance between striving for something more and actually enjoying the process as well. It’s so easy to get caught up with growth that you forget to live. Rememeber, there’s growth in simply just living.

How to Be Productive In Your 20’s.

If you want to maximize productivity in your 20’s, you want to make sure that you’re learning everything that you can. Read a ton of books, gain different skills, meet different people. Your 20’s are critical for building up a network that will serve you later on in life. Rather that be spiritually or career wise, you want to spend the earlier parts of your life building relationships. Authentic relationships to be clear because nobody wants to spend time building surface level friendships; well at least I don’t.

Ways to Maximize Productivity.

You can maximize your productivity by first focusing on the things that you are good at. These are the skills that you can streamline to quickly produce results that will carry over while you learn new things. Continue learning and testing as everything in life is a test. A test of your patience, a test of your knowledge, a test of your social skills, and a test of your strength. Maximizing productivity means being able to capitalize on valuable opportunities when they come you way. The more time we spend analyzing through our means of productivity, the better we are at discerning and making decisions.

Remember: The key to wealth is to CONSTANTLY PRODUCE AND PROVIDE VALUE.

The Importance of Building Social Skills.

Our first exposer to building up our social skills came when we were just little toddlers and we learned how to play with others. We learned how to pick up on things such as social cues. We learned rather we should stand out or try to fit in. We learned how to alter ourselves to build relationships because well, some things are frowned upon and not accepted socially. But one thing we never really learned was how important it actually is to build these social skills.

Your 20’s is a time where you can choose to unlearn the social trauma that you’ve been induced with throughout school. Simply because when you’re an adult, the consequences are more severe for you when you lack adequate social skills. Sometimes adversity is the only thing that can drive us into change. If you don’t utilize your younger years to become socially adept, you’ll pay for it when it comes to building the adequate relationships that you’ll need within your life.

Most times it’s not what you know, but rather who you know.

Take Care of Your Health.

As a personal trainer and an athlete who played a myriad of sports in school. Taking care of your health is the best thing that you can do for your mind, body and soul. Just for the record, taking care of your health does not just stop with exercise. You should also be prioritizing sleep, eating healthy foods, and balancing a healthy sex life that DOES NOT include multiple partners. You should focus on developing healthy habits such as drinking plenty of water and establishing healthy boundaries for yourself.

Your 20’s is your foundation for self love. Utilize this time to LOVE YOURSELF before trying to love anybody else.

Leave The Dating Scene ALONE.

Most people don’t utilize relationships for what they are for and that’s to build and to help eachother grow. Relationships are just simply a distraction for most people. It’s why I recommend that you don’t focus on having a relationship until you’ve truly done the necessary work within yourself. Sure , a couple of companions here and there is okay because well, who wants to be lonely? Even though being lonely is the exact antidote that some of you may need to detach from the things that aren’t serving you. Do yourself a favor and shelve the dating for a while. You’ll get much more done, and you won’t have to compromise your energy while doing it.

You’ll have plenty of time for realtionships. Nurture your spirit instead. Good fruit won’t attract too many flies.

Most Importantly, Enjoy The Process.

I know, it’s a platitude and it’s truism but it’s necessary. If we don’t enjoy the journey then trust me, the destination won’t be worth it. If you’re only focused on the outcome without enjoying the process, then you’ll miss valuable wisdom along the way. As we climb, we learn and as we learn we become better. The process is there to shape you, it is there to keep you in check, to protect you from things such as becoming too grandiose. Spend a little money here and there, congratulate yourself for facing your fears. Smile inadvertenly, you don’t really need a reason. Dance in public places and cry outloud if you need to. After all, it is all apart of the process.

In my 20’s I made the mistake of being too serious, too business oriented and very rigid in my way of thinking. And while this served me while I was young and allowed me to build a very successful business. It was very limiting in terms of me buidling relationships with others. I feel like I missed out on alot by focusing too much on the outcome of things. Today as I approach my thirties, I no longer live with that mindset. Life is truly what you make it and i’m choosing to have a little fun while im at it. After reading this, I hope you were inspired to do the same.

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Until next time! =)
