Value Yourself Inc

Breaking Old Behavorial Patterns: Tips to Help Overcome Self-Defeating Beliefs About Yourself

I had the oppportunity to live a very wonderful life at a young age. I started my very first business at age 18, and by age 23, I was making six figures and my company got big enough that I was able to sell it. While this was a wonderful feeling and an incredible accolade for me. I couldn’t help but to think about why I was so successful at such a young age. Especially given my background and the fact that I literally had little to no support while doing it.

The success just felt kind of sketchy and honestly, I contributed it to sheer luck because well, black children who grew up like me don’t usually experience such a success. Everything that I know today was self-taught. I didn’t have any mentors talking to me about business and to be honest, I don’t quite understand where the entrepreneurial spirit came from. I just know that as a child, I was always creative, valued my autonomy, was very self-sufficient and I didn’t have many friends. I always knew I was nerd, and not very interesting. I don’t need you to be sad while reading this either. Today at 28, i’ve come around to accept my idiosyncrasies.

After I sold my business, I had immense trouble starting up anything else. My consultant business went nowhere, my personal training business generated minimal income. I started an equipment rental business, which actually did gain some traction. It didn’t speak to my soul though so I scrapped that business idea as well.

I ran through at least $50,000 over the course of two years and I kid you not, it yielded me nothing in terms of a financial return. Though I did spend a lot of that money just learning and investing into myself. After burning through so much cash and getting nowhere I finally asked myself. What exactly is the problem here? And boy oh boy would that take me down the deepest self-discovery path that I’ve ever been on. I most certainly was the problem.

Common Self-Defeating Beliefs and Tips to Overcome Them

Some common self-defeating beliefs can be feelings of inadequacy, not being good enough, not feeling important, perfectionism, imposter syndrome, Etc. At some point of my life, I’ve struggled with them all. If you’re looking for ways to break old habits generated from self-defeating beliefs that are holding you back. Here are a few tips that I’ve been using to overcome these self-defeating beliefs. I hope that you can use some of these tips to unlock the true power that’s within you! It is only then, will you be able to fully connect with your calling and do whatever it is that’s necessary to achieve that success.

Tips To Break Old Behavorial Habits that may be the result of Patterns of Self-Defeating Beliefs.

  1. Acknowledge Your Self-Defeating Fallacies

Obviously, the first step in defeating the beliefs is to acknowledge the fact that they are even there. If we act as if our self-defeating beliefs doesn’t exist, then how can we ever address them in the first place. It starts with first realizing that we all have certain self limiting beliefs that may be holding us back from achieving our dreams. Once we recognize them, then we can effectively formulate a plan to work through such issues.

Exercise: To spot the self-defeating beliefs that you believe about yourself. Write down everything that you attribute as being apart of who you are and then analyze it.

2. Embrace Change.

Understand that nothing in this world stays the same forever. If you would like to cultivate better habits for yourself, ones that will align with your vision for your life. Then you must embrace the changes that comes with it. Holding on to the same damaging beliefs will do nothing for your self-esteem. Growth starts when we can recognize when and where we need to change. We can not get to the destination that is for us by remaining the same. Don’t continue to repeat the same process of thinking that’s clearly not working for you.

3. Meditate

Meditating on your thoughts and the things that you want out of life is a great step to manifesting your dreams and breaking old behavioral patterns. Meditation not only calms the bodys’ nervous system, allowing you to think more clearly. But it also provides you with a sense of elevated self-awareness which will be helpful when trying to work through your self-limiting beliefs and issues.

4. Change Your Perspective

I always like to save the best for last. Changing your perspective on things is a powerful way to transition your limiting beliefs into something useful for yourself. The way that we look at things can be crucial to the outcome of our lives. Changing your perspective promotes action. When we look at things differently, we can then cultivate different solutions to rectify the problem. This goes hand in hand with embracing change. To gain a new perspective about something, is to simply CHANGE the way that you look at it.

At one point in our lives, we all have self-limiting beliefs about ourselves. Our self-esteem is paramount when it comes defeating those self-limiting beliefs. The more self-awareness that we develop through practice and acquiring knowledge about ourselves, the better we are at working out our flaws.

I really hope you enjoyed this article! As a happiness coach, I help people work through their emotions to discover their true happiness and purpose. If you or anyone you know are looking to cultivate that peace and happiness for themselves, feel free to visit our website to schedule a session! I would love to help you become a better you physically, mentally and emotionally.

Until Next Time! I Love Y’all, ALWAYS!
